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Replacing Circuit Breaker: A 2024 Guide to Costs and Connections

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Have you ever experienced flickering lights, burning smells, or frequent tripping of your circuit breakers? These are signs that your circuit breakers might need replacement. In this blog post, you will discover the ins and outs of replacing circuit breakers, including types, functions, and signs that indicate replacement is necessary. We’ll also guide you through the process of replacing a circuit breaker and when to consider upgrading your electrical panel. By the end, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any circuit breaker issues with confidence and safety in mind.

Key Takeaways

  • Adhere to safety measures and local electrical codes when replacing a circuit breaker.
  • Hire a professional electrician for best results, and consider upgrading the panel if needed.
  • Regular inspections and maintenance are essential for safe home electrical systems.

Understanding Circuit Breakers


Circuit breakers are essential safety devices in our homes, protecting our electrical systems and appliances from potential hazards such as short circuits and overcurrents. They work by detecting an overload or fault in the electrical system, such as a short circuit, and interrupting the electric current flow to avert potential risks. These protective switches come in various types and are designed to cater to different needs and requirements in a home’s electrical panel.

Familiarizing yourself with the electrical code and adhering to safety measures is key when performing a circuit breaker installation or replacing circuit breakers. Using 1/2-inch plastic snap-in cable clamps to securely install the new cable, for instance, is one of the many crucial safety precautions. As we proceed, we’ll explore the various types of circuit breakers, their functions, and safe replacement and maintenance procedures.

Types of Circuit Breakers

There are various circuit breakers available, each catering to different needs and requirements in a home’s electrical system. The most common types include standard, arc fault circuit interrupter (AFCI), and ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) breakers. A gfci circuit breaker, for example, is essential for areas like kitchens, laundry rooms, or heavy-duty appliances, often requiring 20- or 30-amp breakers for their efficient operation. Each type offers different levels of protection for various applications, ensuring the safety and efficiency of your appliances.

AFCI breakers provide protection against electrical fires caused by arcing faults, while GFCI breakers protect against ground faults. While their installation methods vary slightly, both serve the same circuit protection purpose. When replacing an old standard circuit breaker, professional electricians are required by law to install an AFCI breaker if the circuit requires it, ensuring full compliance with the code. The cost of rewiring a circuit breaker depends on factors such as wiring type, length, and any necessary wall and drywall repair, ranging from $150 to $1,000+.

How Circuit Breakers Work

The primary function of circuit breakers is to protect your electrical system from damage caused by overcurrent, short circuits, or ground faults. They do so by detecting these issues and interrupting the flow of electricity, preventing potential damage to your appliances or even fires. The amount of electricity needed for your home depends on factors such as the size of your home, the number of appliances, and other relevant factors.

The typical cost associated with installing or adding a new circuit breaker ranges from $150 to $300, depending on factors such as the type, amps, circuit length, and complexity. A 240V circuit breaker, for example, can cost between $10 and $250. Factors that can contribute to the expense of installing a new circuit breaker include extensive drywall demolition and restoration, or running the wire up through multiple stories. The estimated cost for installing a dedicated circuit ranges from $250 to $900.

Signs Your Circuit Breaker Needs Replacement


Observing any signs that your circuit breaker may need a replacement is vital. Frequent tripping, flickering lights, burning smells, or visible damage to the breaker are all indications that it’s time for a replacement. Additionally, if you’re experiencing frequent bulb burnouts, buzzing, sparking, or smoky odours from switches or appliances, considering a replacement is advisable. Replacement may be necessary due to wear and tear, internal switch linkage damage, power surges or lightning strikes, and water damage.

The cost to replace a circuit breaker switch depends on factors such as the type, amps, circuit length, and the complexity of the circuit, ranging from $100 to $200. To prevent further damage and safety hazards, it’s crucial to replace damaged components promptly. Next, we’ll outline the procedure for replacing a circuit breaker and emphasize the importance of adhering to safety precautions.

Steps to Replace a Circuit Breaker


Having covered the basics of circuit breakers and the signs indicating a need for replacement, we’ll now delve into the detailed process of replacing a circuit breaker.

This will involve preparing for the replacement, removing the old breaker, and installing the new breaker, ensuring safety and compliance with electrical code requirements.

Preparing for Replacement

Before you begin the replacement process, gather the necessary tools and ensure all safety precautions are in place. Start by turning off the main power to your electrical panel, minimizing the risk of electrical shock or injury. Remember, adhering to all safety guidelines and avoiding large wires and lugs is vital during this process.

Once you’ve turned off the main power and gathered your tools, you’re ready to move on to the next step: removing the old breaker.

Removing the Old Breaker

To remove the old breaker, follow these steps:

  1. Carefully disconnect the wires connected to it.
  2. Unscrew the screw terminal gripping the black circuit wire.
  3. If you’re replacing an AFCI or GFCI breaker, disconnect the neutral circuit wire connection and the coiled white pigtail wire as well.

Remember to proceed cautiously during this step to minimize the risk of damage or injury.

With the wires disconnected, you can now remove the old breaker from the panel and prepare for the installation of the new breaker.

Installing the New Breaker

When installing the new breaker, start by connecting the wires to the appropriate terminals.

  1. Insert the bare end of the black circuit wire under the screw terminal on the new breaker and securely tighten the screw.
  2. Connect the white neutral circuit wire to the corresponding screw terminal on the breaker, if replacing an AFCI or GFCI breaker.
  3. Attach the coiled white wire attached to the circuit breaker to a screw terminal on the neutral bus bar in the panel.
  4. Push any surplus wire into the panel.
  5. Carefully fold the extra wire and insert it into the side of the panel.

Once the wires are connected and the new breaker is securely installed, it’s time to test the installation. Replace the service panel cover and ensure all individual circuit breakers are in the OFF position before turning the main breaker on.

Activate the lever on the main circuit breaker to the ON position, and then activate each individual branch circuit breaker to the ON position, one at a time. Test the fixtures and outlets powered by the circuit to confirm proper function.

Hiring a Professional Electrician


Despite the seeming simplicity of replacing a circuit breaker, it is worth contemplating the hiring of a professional electrician to address safety concerns and potential permit requirements. Electricians are experienced in handling potentially hazardous wiring and ensuring compliance with local electrical codes.

Next, we’ll explore how to identify a reputable electrician and discuss the costs involved in hiring one for circuit breaker replacement.

Finding a Reputable Electrician

Identifying a reputable electrician is key to guaranteeing the safety and quality of your circuit breaker replacement. To identify a qualified electrician, check for proper licensing, insurance, and references. Obtaining multiple quotes from different electricians can also help you make an informed decision and find the best professional to handle your project.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification from potential electricians about their qualifications and experience. Remember, the safety and reliability of your electrical system depend on the expertise of the electrician you choose, so it’s crucial to select the right professional for the job.

Cost of Hiring an Electrician

Factors such as location, complexity, and labour rates can influence the cost of hiring an electrician for circuit breaker replacement. Typically, the cost of hiring an electrician for circuit breaker replacement includes:

  • Hourly rate: The hourly rate for an electrician ranges between $50 and $150.
  • Minimum charge: Many electricians charge a 1- to 2-hour minimum for their services.
  • Time required: It is estimated to take between 30 minutes and 2 hours to replace a circuit breaker. This range depends on the type of circuit breaker that needs to be changed.

When contemplating circuit breaker replacement, taking into account the cost of hiring an electrician is advisable. While it may be tempting to attempt the replacement yourself, hiring a professional ensures proper installation, compliance with electrical codes, and ultimately, the safety of your home and family.

Upgrading Your Electrical Panel


In some cases, you may need to consider upgrading your home’s electrical panel instead of just replacing a circuit breaker. This could be necessary for older homes, homes with increased power demands, or those experiencing frequent electrical issues. Upgrading your panel can improve safety, functionality, and energy efficiency.

Moving forward, we’ll discuss the appropriate times to consider an upgrade and the costs involved in upgrading your electrical panel.

When to Consider an Upgrade

Consider upgrading your electrical panel if you’re experiencing frequent breaker trips, adding high-power appliances to your home, or undertaking a significant renovation project. Upgrading can offer enhanced safety, higher energy efficiency, and better protection for your home and appliances.

Consulting a professional electrician for a thorough evaluation of your current electrical system to determine the need for an upgrade is crucial. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on your home’s power needs and any potential electrical issues.

Costs of Upgrading an Electrical Panel

The costs associated with upgrading an electrical panel depend on the desired amperage and the complexity of the project. Prices can range from $850 for a 100-amp panel upgrade to $7,000 for a 400-amp upgrade, with various options in between. Keep in mind that these costs are subject to change based on factors such as location, labour rates, and the specific requirements of your home’s electrical system.

When planning the budget for an electrical panel upgrade, considering the potential long-term benefits like enhanced safety, functionality, and energy efficiency is vital. While the upfront costs may seem significant, investing in a properly functioning and up-to-date electrical panel can save you money in the long run by preventing costly repairs, damage to appliances, and potential fire hazards.

Preventative Maintenance and Safety Tips


Performing regular inspections and maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity and safety of your circuit breakers and electrical system. During inspections, check for any signs of wear and tear, loose connections, and any other potential issues that could lead to safety hazards or malfunctioning electrical components. Prompt replacement of damaged components helps prevent further damage and ensures the ongoing safety of your home and appliances.

Alongside regular inspections, adhering to correct installation procedures and safety guidelines is fundamental in maintaining a safe and dependable electrical system. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Always adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Use the appropriate tools
  • Ensure all connections are securely fastened when working with circuit breakers or other electrical components

By taking these precautions and following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can enjoy a safe, functional, and energy-efficient electrical system in your home.


In conclusion, understanding circuit breakers, their types, functions, and signs indicating replacement is crucial for maintaining a safe and efficient electrical system in your home. Whether you’re replacing a circuit breaker yourself or hiring a professional electrician, following proper safety precautions and installation procedures is essential. Upgrading your electrical panel can also provide increased safety, functionality, and energy efficiency, especially in older homes or those with increased power demands. By following the preventative maintenance and safety tips discussed in this blog post, you can ensure the longevity and reliability of your home’s electrical system, protecting your home and family from potential hazards.

If you’re looking for an Electrician in the Sydney area then give us a call today. At Mr Sparky, we have over 125 five-star reviews and one of Sydney’s most trusted electricians.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I replace a circuit breaker myself?

Replacing a circuit breaker should only be done by a licensed electrician and with the electricity disconnected. Doing so may require a permit, and strict adherence to electrical codes is essential for the safety of your home and family. Attempting to remove a circuit breaker with live wires inside can result in electrocution and should not be attempted without professional help.

How much should it cost to replace a circuit breaker?

Replacing a circuit breaker switch typically costs between $100 and $300, including parts and labour. Larger 20-amp switches cost $10 to $20 each, and installing a circuit breaker typically costs between $300 and $2,000.

How much does it cost to upgrade a switchboard in Australia?

The cost of a switchboard replacement or upgrade in Australia typically ranges from $900-$1500, which includes the cost of the switchboard and labour.

What are the main types of circuit breakers?

The main types of circuit breakers are standard, arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCI) and ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI), offering different levels of protection for various applications.

How do circuit breakers work?

Circuit breakers detect electrical imbalances and interrupt power flow to prevent damage or fire, keeping you safe.


Meet Steven, owner of Mr Sparky and seasoned professional electrician in Sydney. With more than 15 years of experience in taking care of the electrical needs of Sydney’s residents, Steven loves to share his expertise and knowledge to ensure everyone is electrical safe. Need an electrician in Sydney – give Mr Sparky a call


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